The Eminence in Shadow Manga
The Eminence in Shadow Manga Info :

All The Eminence in Shadow Chapters:
Where can I read The Eminence in Shadow?
You can read Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute manga online at in English for free.
What is the release schedule for The Eminence in Shadow manga?
The Eminence in Shadow Chapters are released weekly. But sometimes, the manga chapters get delayed. Bookmark to stay notified whenever a new chapter is released.
Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute Reviews:
The story is interesting. I like this kind of MC its not like the normal MC (kinda in a good way), the story is about a MC that is the next level of weeb (i mean really) because he want to became an a shadow (something like assassin i guess) he train him self from when he is little and when he became a highschooler he is really buffed and then he think how can he destroy a nuke (yea a nuke) and then he find out about magic (i wonder how did he know about magic
(this is just a joke of course i know how so dont comment about this)) and he train to search a way to use magic. In the middle of the night, the MC is training him self and got isekai by a truck (yea your heard it right its a f*cking TRUCK who would have guess) and he is really strong (well he gets magic now so his training is worth it?? idk). Overall, this is a good story.